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Creates a Runlist from the standardized data frame supplied by/made in the Shiny app ras.RunlistGenerator().


  blank.start = 3,
  blank.end = 5,
  blank.comp = 2,
  blank.type = 1,
  blank.max = 5



A full list, according to the package template, to be transformed into a runlist.


Integer of blanks to start with.


Integer of blanks to end with.


Integer of blanks to insert between compounds.


Integer of blanks to insert between well types.


Max number of times to draw from the same blank well.


Returns a Runlist with blanks spaced as defined (with sensible defaults).


# Setup
full.list = ras.Example_Runlist
#> # A tibble: 6 × 14
#>   Index Plate Row     Col LC_Position Date     Signature Sample_name    Compound
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr>       <chr>    <chr>     <chr>          <chr>   
#> 1     1     3 A         1 3:A,1       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… Paracet…
#> 2     2     3 A         2 3:A,2       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… Paracet…
#> 3     3     3 A         3 3:A,3       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… Paracet…
#> 4     4     3 A         4 3:A,4       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… Paracet…
#> 5     5     3 A         5 3:A,5       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… Paracet…
#> 6     6     3 A         6 3:A,6       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… Paracet…
#> # ℹ 5 more variables: Timepoint <chr>, Well_Type <chr>, LC_Well_Type <chr>,
#> #   Replicate <chr>, Sample_text <chr>

# Run function
Runlist1 <- ras.create.Runlist(full.list)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 16
#>   Index Plate Row     Col LC_Position Date     Signature Sample_name    Compound
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr>       <chr>    <chr>     <chr>          <chr>   
#> 1    13     3 B         1 3:B,1       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… NA      
#> 2    13     3 B         1 3:B,1       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… NA      
#> 3    13     3 B         1 3:B,1       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… NA      
#> 4    62     3 F         2 3:F,2       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… Ibuprof…
#> 5    63     3 F         3 3:F,3       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… Ibuprof…
#> 6    64     3 F         4 3:F,4       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… Ibuprof…
#> # ℹ 7 more variables: Timepoint <chr>, Well_Type <chr>, LC_Well_Type <chr>,
#> #   Replicate <chr>, Sample_text <chr>, Draw_Max <dbl>, Draw_Count <dbl>

Runlist2 <- ras.create.Runlist(full.list,
                               blank.start = 4,
                               blank.end   = 3,
                               blank.comp  = 2,
                               blank.type  = 1,
                               blank.max   = 6)
#> # A tibble: 6 × 16
#>   Index Plate Row     Col LC_Position Date     Signature Sample_name    Compound
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr>       <chr>    <chr>     <chr>          <chr>   
#> 1    13     3 B         1 3:B,1       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… NA      
#> 2    13     3 B         1 3:B,1       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… NA      
#> 3    13     3 B         1 3:B,1       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… NA      
#> 4    13     3 B         1 3:B,1       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… NA      
#> 5    62     3 F         2 3:F,2       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… Ibuprof…
#> 6    63     3 F         3 3:F,3       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… Ibuprof…
#> # ℹ 7 more variables: Timepoint <chr>, Well_Type <chr>, LC_Well_Type <chr>,
#> #   Replicate <chr>, Sample_text <chr>, Draw_Max <dbl>, Draw_Count <dbl>