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Function used within ras.create.Runlist() to add blanks.


ras.add.blank(Runlist, df.blank, blank.insert)



A data frame to add blanks to.


A data frame consisting of only blanks to take from.


An integer of how many blanks to add.


Returns the same data frame that was supplied to the Runlist argument, but with the specified number of appended blanks.


Function used within ras.create.Runlist() to add blanks.


# Setup
full.list = ras.Example_Runlist
blank.max = 5
df.blank = dplyr::filter(full.list, full.list$LC_Well_Type == "blank") %>% # All blank rows
  dplyr::mutate(Draw_Max = blank.max, Draw_Count = 0)
Runlist = tibble::tibble(
  Index        = double(),
  Plate        = double(),
  Row          = character(),
  Col          = double(),
  LC_Position  = character(),
  Date         = character(),
  Signature    = character(),
  Sample_name  = character(),
  Compound     = character(),
  Timepoint    = character(),
  Well_Type    = character(),
  LC_Well_Type = character(),
  Replicate    = character(),
  Sample_text  = character(),
  Draw_Max     = double(),
  Draw_Count   = double())

# Run function
Runlist1 = ras.add.blank(Runlist, df.blank, 3) # Adds 3 blanks to Runlist.
#> # A tibble: 3 × 16
#>   Index Plate Row     Col LC_Position Date     Signature Sample_name    Compound
#>   <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr>       <chr>    <chr>     <chr>          <chr>   
#> 1    13     3 B         1 3:B,1       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… NA      
#> 2    13     3 B         1 3:B,1       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… NA      
#> 3    13     3 B         1 3:B,1       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_I… NA      
#> # ℹ 7 more variables: Timepoint <chr>, Well_Type <chr>, LC_Well_Type <chr>,
#> #   Replicate <chr>, Sample_text <chr>, Draw_Max <dbl>, Draw_Count <dbl>