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Function used within ras.create.Runlist() to add all analytes for a specified compound and well type.


ras.add.type(Runlist, df.analyte, compound, wellType)



A data frame to add blanks to.


A data frame with analytes to take from.


A string with what compound to filter by.


A string with What well type to filter by.


Returns the same data frame that was supplied to the Runlist argument, but with appended analytes.


# Setup
full.list = ras.Example_Runlist
blank.max = 5
df.analyte = dplyr::filter(full.list, full.list$LC_Well_Type == "Analyte") # All sample rows
Runlist = tibble::tibble(
  Index        = double(),
  Plate        = double(),
  Row          = character(),
  Col          = double(),
  LC_Position  = character(),
  Date         = character(),
  Signature    = character(),
  Sample_name  = character(),
  Compound     = character(),
  Timepoint    = character(),
  Well_Type    = character(),
  LC_Well_Type = character(),
  Replicate    = character(),
  Sample_text  = character(),
  Draw_Max     = double(),
  Draw_Count   = double())

# Run function
Runlist1 <- ras.add.type(Runlist, df.analyte, "Paracetamol", "cell")
#> # A tibble: 18 × 16
#>    Index Plate Row     Col LC_Position Date     Signature Sample_name   Compound
#>    <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <chr>       <chr>    <chr>     <chr>         <chr>   
#>  1     1     3 A         1 3:A,1       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_… Paracet…
#>  2     2     3 A         2 3:A,2       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_… Paracet…
#>  3     3     3 A         3 3:A,3       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_… Paracet…
#>  4     4     3 A         4 3:A,4       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_… Paracet…
#>  5     5     3 A         5 3:A,5       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_… Paracet…
#>  6     6     3 A         6 3:A,6       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_… Paracet…
#>  7    32     3 C         8 3:C,8       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_… Paracet…
#>  8    33     3 C         9 3:C,9       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_… Paracet…
#>  9    34     3 C        10 3:C,10      20220725 RH        20220725_RH_… Paracet…
#> 10    35     3 C        11 3:C,11      20220725 RH        20220725_RH_… Paracet…
#> 11    36     3 C        12 3:C,12      20220725 RH        20220725_RH_… Paracet…
#> 12    37     3 D         1 3:D,1       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_… Paracet…
#> 13    38     3 D         2 3:D,2       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_… Paracet…
#> 14    39     3 D         3 3:D,3       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_… Paracet…
#> 15    40     3 D         4 3:D,4       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_… Paracet…
#> 16    41     3 D         5 3:D,5       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_… Paracet…
#> 17    42     3 D         6 3:D,6       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_… Paracet…
#> 18    43     3 D         7 3:D,7       20220725 RH        20220725_RH_… Paracet…
#> # ℹ 7 more variables: Timepoint <chr>, Well_Type <chr>, LC_Well_Type <chr>,
#> #   Replicate <chr>, Sample_text <chr>, Draw_Max <dbl>, Draw_Count <dbl>