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Pre-LC/MS run

Provides tools for working with runlists to use with MassLynx (Waters LC/MS software). Calling ras.RunlistGenerator() launches a Shiny app that lets you create the full data frame and a runlist. Alternatively, ras.create.Runlist() may be used directly.

Post-LC/MS run

Use ras.SplitOutput() to split the MassLynx complete summary output file into individual data frames and write them to files. Unless clean = FALSE, this removes blanks and splits the Name and Sample Name columns according to the pre-LC/MS template. To only return the list of data frames and not write to the file system, use write = FALSE.

Workflow summary
  • Call ras.RunlistGenerator()
  • Input all the runlist info under “Well input”
    • Optionally: download/upload the tsv under “Full list” to save/resume a project
  • Generate a runlist under “Runlist” and download the tsv
  • Do experiments. Yeay!
  • Call ras.SplitOutput() and select the MassLynx complete summary output file (the file-selection window might be hiding behind RStudio)
  • Analyze the results for each compound
  • Publish paper!
  • Design new experiments (rinse and repeat)

Example workflow


Here is a mock example of a populated runlist.

# str(Example_Runlist) # Run this in the console yourself
# View(Example_Runlist) # Run this in the console yourself
ras.Example_Runlist[c(1:2, 7:8, 13:14), c(1, 5, 8, 12, 14)]
#>    Index LC_Position          Sample_name LC_Well_Type           Sample_text
#> 1      1       3:A,1  20220725_RH_Index.1      Analyte  Paracetamol_0_cell_1
#> 2      2       3:A,2  20220725_RH_Index.2      Analyte Paracetamol_15_cell_1
#> 7      7       3:A,7  20220725_RH_Index.7      Analyte    Paracetamol_0_STD_
#> 8      8       3:A,8  20220725_RH_Index.8      Analyte    Paracetamol_0_STD_
#> 13    13       3:B,1 20220725_RH_Index.13        blank                 blank
#> 14    14       3:B,2 20220725_RH_Index.14        blank                 blank

And this is what we get from generating a final runlist version with default settings.

Final_Runlist = ras.create.Runlist(ras.Example_Runlist)
Final_Runlist[c(1, 5, 8, 12, 14, 16)]
#> # A tibble: 150 × 6
#>    Index LC_Position Sample_name          LC_Well_Type Sample_text    Draw_Count
#>    <dbl> <chr>       <chr>                <chr>        <chr>               <dbl>
#>  1    13 3:B,1       20220725_RH_Index.13 blank        blank                   1
#>  2    13 3:B,1       20220725_RH_Index.13 blank        blank                   2
#>  3    13 3:B,1       20220725_RH_Index.13 blank        blank                   3
#>  4    62 3:F,2       20220725_RH_Index.62 Analyte      Ibuprofen_0_b…          1
#>  5    63 3:F,3       20220725_RH_Index.63 Analyte      Ibuprofen_0_b…          1
#>  6    64 3:F,4       20220725_RH_Index.64 Analyte      Ibuprofen_0_b…          1
#>  7    65 3:F,5       20220725_RH_Index.65 Analyte      Ibuprofen_0_b…          1
#>  8    66 3:F,6       20220725_RH_Index.66 Analyte      Ibuprofen_0_b…          1
#>  9    67 3:F,7       20220725_RH_Index.67 Analyte      Ibuprofen_0_b…          1
#> 10    68 3:F,8       20220725_RH_Index.68 Analyte      Ibuprofen_0_b…          1
#> # ℹ 140 more rows

Ready for pasting columns into MassLynx!


Recommended to place your output file in it’s own folder.

Run ras.SplitOutput() and select the output file.

This splits the output into its constituent data frames and (unless write = FALSE) writes them as individual .txt files in the same directory as the source file. Naming convention used is “[source file name] - [compound name]”. clean = FALSE may be used to not perform any data manipulation at this stage. This is recommended if the source file was not created using the {aquaras} standard format.